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Individualized Career & Academic Plan (ICAP)

Individualized Career and Academic Plans are collaboratively developed, incorporating input from students, Advisement teachers, and the academic counselor. Students meet regularly with the academic counselor throughout their high school career to ensure ongoing support and guidance.


The Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) is a multi-year process that intentionally guides students and families in the exploration of career, academic and postsecondary opportunities. With the support of adults, students develop the awareness, knowledge, attitudes, and skills to create their own meaningful and powerful pathways to be career and college ready.

When students complete a Meaningful ICAP process, they: 

  • Connect the relevance of education to future aspirations 
  • Are more motivated to attend school and stay engaged 
  • Become confident learners who can actively set goals 
  • Make secondary and postsecondary course plans to pursue career and life goals 
  • Are able to articulate their transferable skills and apply knowledge about how their actions today connect with their goals