Grading & Report Cards
Grading & Report Cards at Two Roads Charter School
Report cards will be published to Infinite Campus at the end of each semester.
Parent/Student/Teacher conferences will be hosted at each campus. Conference schedules are posted on the master calendar on the Two Roads website.
Students who have a grade of “D” or below are expected to attend conferences with their parents to address the issues impeding their success.
Grades for all secondary students will be recorded on a Jefferson County Transcript.
All classes are full-year classes unless otherwise indicated. Students who do not pass the first semester of any academic and selected elective classes may be subject to removal from the class for the second semester. Parent and student will be notified via email prior to the beginning of the second semester.
Arvada Grading Scale
K-12th grade:
- A (3.5 - 4.0) = exceptional
- B (3.0 - 3.49) = meets
- C (2.0 - 2.99) = approaching
- D (1.0 - 1.99)= needs support
- F (0 - .99) = no data
Littleton Grading Scale
K–12th grade:
- A 90- 100%
- B 80-89%
- C 70-79%
- D 60-69%
- F Below 60%
Students are graded based on mastery of skills. Class content is delivered through direct instruction, in-class work, projects and homework assignments. Daily attendance is critical! If not submitted by the end of the unit, the assignment can no longer be turned in for credit.
Report Cards
Families can access report cards at the end of each semester via Infinite Campus, with instructions in the weekly electronic newsletter, the 2-R Press. Throughout the semester, grades are available on Schoology.