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Graduation Requirements

Students must earn 24 credits in grades 9 – 12 to receive a Two Roads/Jefferson County Public Schools diploma.  The Colorado Department of Higher Education has adopted the Higher Education Admission Requirements (HEAR) for entry to Colorado’s public four-year colleges and universities. Please see the column below and consult DOHE’s website for further details. 

Two Roads Graduation vs. Higher Education Admissions Requirements (HEAR)



Two Roads



(4-yr. CO public colleges)





  4 credits

  4 credits 

Math (Algebra 1 or higher)  

  4 credits 

  4 credits

Science (must include Biology)

  3 credits 

  3 credits  (2 lab-based)

Social Studies

  3.5 credits

  3 credits

World Language    

  2 credits (same language)

  1 credit





  1 credit

  0 credits            

Academic Elective 

  1 credit                                   

  0 credit **                                             

Music Appreciation

  1 credit



  1 credit 

  0 credit **

Fine Art

  1 credit 

  0 credit **

Advisement/ College/Career Seminars/Life Skills

  1 credit



  1.5 credits

  2 credits “academic” electives


24 credits

24 credits

**For the graduating class of 2021 and beyond. All other classes will graduate under the requirements published at the time they entered Two Roads’ high school program. Jeffco graduation requirements.

Two years of academic electives for the HEAR Requirements include additional courses in English, mathematics, sciences, social sciences, world language, art, music, journalism, drama, computer science, honors, Advanced Placement, and International Baccalaureate courses.

Certain Math credits completed in 8th grade can transfer for inclusion on the high school transcript, as long as the course will make a recommendation to the Principal who will determine whether a waiver is warranted.  If a waiver is granted, “homeschool” or “correspondence” will be recorded along with a grade of “P” for the courses waived.  The transcripts of continuing high school students who enroll from a nonpublic, home based educational program will not reflect a complete grade point average or class rank.

Parents will be notified by the Principal in the event nonpublic, home based education credits do not satisfy the guidelines for a specific requirement to be waived. was taught at a high school level. Please refer to the planning guide. However, only a maximum of 2 credits can be counted toward the required 24 credits to graduate.

Students who wish to graduate from Two Roads, earning a Two Roads diploma, must surrender their homeschool identity no later than the spring of their sophomore year. This means that the student’s entire graduation plan will be under the supervision of the Two Roads, with the student submitting to full-time attendance.

Credits earned as a homeschooled student must be submitted to the high school counselor for review and approval using the Request for Credit Transfer/ Approval form.  These credits will be considered under the following criteria:

Completion of Request for Credit Transfer/Approval Form (for each course) and…

  • Review of recent standardized test demonstrating the student’s competence in the area requested (satisfactorily indicating 50th percentile or higher).
  • Official transcripts of accredited correspondence schools, if applicable, reflecting grade.
  • Review of curricula, and/or by providing records of instructional contact time in each course, content covered, and scope and sequence.
  • Submit an informal test to substantiate academic competence.

After reviewing the submitted material and other relevant information, the counselor.

Graduation Requirements in Jeffco

Colorado and Jeffco Public Schools are committed to educating students so they enter the workforce with in-demand skills that meet business, industry and higher education standards. According to the Colorado Department of Education (CDE), jobs that require training beyond high school are growing three times as fast as those that don't require training.

The graduating class of 2022 and beyond must meet or exceed the following requirements:

  • Complete a minimum of 23 credit hours in required courses and
  • Demonstrate Postsecondary Workforce Readiness (PWR) for at least one measure in reading, writing and communicating; and one measure in mathematics.